PostgreSQL: Connection and Role error solutions

Muhammad Ullah
3 min readDec 7, 2021

I am glad to be writing this blog to showcase how I was able to fix errors when trying to use PostgreSQL as the database for my project. I tried to create the database using rails db:create but it had other plans and threw errors. After searching for hours on StackOverflow and copying the top commented answers without a second thought(because they are always right… duh!), I had no luck. It all started when I was… wait... you’re probably on this blog to find answers for your errors, so let me just get straight to the point.

Connection Error

The first error that came up was a connection error.

Running via Spring preloader in process 9221
/usr/share/rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.1/gems/spring-3.1.1/lib/spring/application.rb:209: warning: Insecure world writable dir /mnt/c in PATH, mode 040777
connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?
Couldn't create 'bounce_backend_development' database. Please check your configuration.
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?
...Caused by:
PG::ConnectionBad: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?

Now I did not understand what any of it meant. My coach told me that I probably did have PostgreSQL installed, but I did.

To see the Postgre cluster running on your device type in your terminal pg_lsclusters and it outputted:

Ver Cluster Port Status                Owner    Data directory              Log file11  main    5433 online                postgres /var/lib/postgresql/11/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-11-main.log13  main    5432 down,binaries_missing postgres /var/lib/postgresql/13/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-13-main.log14  main    5434 online                postgres /var/lib/postgresql/14/main /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-14-main.log

Now I saw that I had 3 versions and version 13 has port 5432 which is the one having connection errors. I’m not sure how I ended up with 3 versions (probably because I did not install it properly and did multiple takes). My coach then sent me a link to a proper guide for installing PostgreSQL, so I uninstalled the PostgreSQL I had downloaded before using this code.

sudo apt-get --purge remove postgresql postgresql-*

If you do not wish to uninstall everything then refer to this forum:

The next step was to reinstall PostgreSQL. Instead of copying the guide, here is the link my coach sent me in which I used.

If the above solution does not work for you then you can also read this blog: PostgreSQL In Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) by Harshit Yadav

Role Error

YAY! We fixed the connection error… oh wait… now I’m getting these role errors.

“ A role is an entity that can own database objects and have database privileges; a role can be considered a “user”, a “group”, or both depending on how it is used.” — PostgreSQL

FATAL:  role "<role_name>" does not exist
Couldn't create '<app_name>_development' database. Please check your configuration.
PG::ConnectionBad: FATAL: role "<role_name>" does not exist

Luckily the solution was simple and all I had to do was create a role.

#start the server if not started
sudo service postgresql start
#open the psql shell
sudo -u postgres psql
#create role
#when you enter this code it should return the name of the role back to you.

This created the role for me and I was thankful that it did. If CREATE ROLE name LOGIN PASSWORD 'my_password' does not work for you then you could refer to this CREATE ROLE documentation by PostgreSQL.

Now my role was created, but my problem with roles was not over as I received this new error:

PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied for relation schem_migrations

First, go into your psql shell using sudo -u postgres psql then enter in \du in which something like the following should pop up:

Role name |       Attributes     | Member of
new_role | | {}
other | Superuser, Create role| {}

As you can see, the new role that I created did not have any attributes. I had to upgrade my new role to Superuser.

#go into your psql shell
sudo -u postgres psql
#alter your role

With that PostgreSQL errors were fixed and when I ran rails db:create it created the database for me and my hope is that this blog helped you in fixing your errors. Finally, all my problems came to an end… for now.


  1. Get started with databases on Windows Subsystem for Linux
  3. How to remove Postgres from my installation?
  4. Create PostgreSQL ROLE (user) if it doesn’t exist
  5. Rails:PG::InsufficientPrivilege: ERROR: permission denied for relation schem_migrations

